On Saturday, May 13th, 2017, a group of 17 volunteers donated a day of VERY hard work in the hot sun to strip, repair, and prepare the roof for Shingles. They started at 8am, and went until after 4pm.
Thank you to Sam Shearer from ABC Supply Company in Rocklege for donating ALL ROOFING MATERIALS for the Project!
These volunteers were Non-Stop hard working in the Hot Sun, All Day Long.
Pictured from Left to Right: Matthew Walton, Tom Rogers, Jonathan Walton, Sean Altenburg, Doug Butler, Jeremy Bixler, Graene Bixler, Griffin Bixler, Ryan Rogers, Paul Denwood, Mark Cherry, Naeem Motlagh. Not Pictured: Isaac Neumann, Kristy and Chris Perkins, Jason Walton, Dan Walton
A special thanks to Doug Butler our resident building expert, and Master Carpenter Tom Rogers our Scout District Commissioner for their expertise and help.