Tomorrow the American Legion’s “All American Veterans of Brevard” Post 420 will be holding a Delicious BBQ Fundraiser!
It will be at our Facility at 2401 Post Road in Melbourne!
Read about one of our Eagle Scouts Designing and Installing a Super Cool Pavilion at our Facility!
Thanks to Eagle Candidate Jacob McCreary, his Boy Scout workers, and generous donors, the Scoutpost now has Bat Houses!
Tomorrow the American Legion’s “All American Veterans of Brevard” Post 420 will be holding a Delicious BBQ Fundraiser!
It will be at our Facility at 2401 Post Road in Melbourne!
On Saturday, May 20th, Twelve hard-working volunteers braved the scorching sun and put a new roof on the Scoutpost! The completed the job started by our Roof Prep Volunteer Team the week prior.
A VERY special thanks to Sam Shearer from ABC Supply Company, who donated ALL of our roofing materials.
Repaired and completely re-nailed decking (to code)... new trim... vents... quality above-code underlayment, and beautiful long-life dimensional shingles. We are GOOD TO GO!
Starter Shingles were place, lines were popped (well, mostly), shingles trimmed in, nailed down, boots were installed, and finally the ridge vent was installed. Mark Cherry, aka, "The Nailing Maniac" on the right. Jason Walton on the left.
Kristy Perkins, AKA "The Nailing Queen" was shooting nails non-stop all day!
Volunteer Roofers Included:
Break Time
It was a fight to get the teams off of the roof (especially the winning team), but hoagies for lunch did the trick.
Thanks to Marie Higbie for bringing us Homemade Cookies!
Dan Walton and his son, Matthew on the job
Worked hard all feeding shingles and lining them up for the nailer
Tim was our cut-man. Made all of the starter strips for us.
Stringing a mason line, for popping lines down the roof.
Measuring lines with extreme accuracy (ehhem)
Being Jason Walton
Our friendly resident Gopher
Leading up to the ridge vent
Nearing collapse at the end of the day.
Sometimes, the popped lines got a little squirrelly
Just prior to the heat stroke
Chris and Kristy Perkins. The love bird team.
Marking Lines for the final cuts.
In the end... both teams joined together to finish the job. Just a few more nails and the job was complete.
Project Complete!
Back Side of building as completed by the "losing team"...
Two work days.. 27 workers... donated materials
On Saturday, May 13th, 2017, a group of 17 volunteers donated a day of VERY hard work in the hot sun to strip, repair, and prepare the roof for Shingles. They started at 8am, and went until after 4pm.
Thank you to Sam Shearer from ABC Supply Company in Rocklege for donating ALL ROOFING MATERIALS for the Project!
These volunteers were Non-Stop hard working in the Hot Sun, All Day Long.
Pictured from Left to Right: Matthew Walton, Tom Rogers, Jonathan Walton, Sean Altenburg, Doug Butler, Jeremy Bixler, Graene Bixler, Griffin Bixler, Ryan Rogers, Paul Denwood, Mark Cherry, Naeem Motlagh. Not Pictured: Isaac Neumann, Kristy and Chris Perkins, Jason Walton, Dan Walton
A special thanks to Doug Butler our resident building expert, and Master Carpenter Tom Rogers our Scout District Commissioner for their expertise and help.
Scouts and Families from our two Scout Charters worked Two Twelve Hour Days parking cars at the Melbourne Air & Space Show. They did it to provide a service to the community, and in turn they will receive a donation which they will put towards the new "Scoutpost" Facility!